Even when legal, access to sexual and reproductive health services, especially safe abortion services is still limited. Restrictions at the level of health facilities and providers still mount barriers to legal and safe abortion services. Barriers are real and can be overcome. Today’s world is led by technology. How can we integrate and utilize digital technology to bridge the care gap in the accessibility of SRHR services by building sustainable innovative healthcare solutions?

In 2019, Rwanda expanded the legal framework for access to safe abortion. However, accurate information on where and how to obtain legal, safe abortion services has been lacking. https://aasapfinder.org digital platform comes as an innovative solution to fill this critical care gap. aasapfinder is a digital health platform dedicated to ensuring that women and girls in Rwanda have timely access to legal, safe, affordable, accessible, and quality abortion care services without any delay, discrimination, or stigmatization. The platform was developed by Medical Doctors For Choice (MDFC) in partnership with Rwanda Women Doctors For Reproductive Justice (RWDFRJ) with aim to guide and connect girls and young women to healthcare facilities for accessing friendly, legal safe abortion services without delays or discrimination.

To acknowledge the crucial role of physicians as the only qualified healthcare providers allowed to provide legal safe abortion in Rwanda, the aasapfinder platform was introduced to physicians to understand its usability and sustainable impact on ensuring women and girls seeking abortion services are benefiting from the platform.

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