On September 18, 2024, Medical Doctors for Choice (MDFC) actively participated in the Collaborative Rwanda Knowledge Exchange Event, organized by Amref Worldwide and FP/RH Knowledge Management. This important event brought together key stakeholders, including experts in Family Planning (FP), Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), and youth representatives from Rwanda and other East African countries. Hosted at the Marriott Kigali Hotel, the gathering served as a platform for sharing insights, experiences, and best practices on implementing FP and SRH interventions in the region.

The overarching goal of the event was to foster a collaborative network among FP/SRH professionals, promoting sustainable knowledge exchange and improving program outcomes through strategic knowledge management approaches. This emphasis on cross-country cooperation and data-driven solutions was at the core of the event’s discussions, ensuring that participants could build a solid foundation for enhancing FP/SRH interventions.

Discussions began with an introduction session, where participants from diverse organizations, including HDI Rwanda, AfriYAN Rwanda, and RBC, were introduced, setting the tone for a productive day of dialogue. One of the central themes of the day was the importance of Knowledge Management Utilization for FP/SRH programs, with participants sharing their experiences on how data documentation, collaboration, and proper information sharing can optimize these programs. Each country present provided valuable insights into their successes and challenges in utilizing knowledge management strategies, enriching the discussion for all attendees.

A key outcome of the event was the election of members for the Rwanda-Based Secretariat, which will coordinate future activities of the Collaborative in the country. The elected members showed strong enthusiasm and commitment to driving continuous knowledge exchange and program improvement. The election process underscored the Collaborative’s focus on sustaining momentum and ensuring that the event’s goals would be actively pursued moving forward.

Another significant aspect of the day was the Community of Practice (CoP) Sustainability Discussion. Participants engaged in lively conversations on strategies to ensure the CoP’s long-term functionality, with resource mobilization, stakeholder engagement, and the establishment of regular reporting mechanisms emerging as key areas of focus. MDFC, along with other attendees, contributed to brainstorming ways to keep the CoP vibrant and relevant in the years to come.

The event concluded with a session on Any Other Business (AOB), during which additional topics were raised, including potential future collaboration opportunities and ways to further enhance knowledge sharing across national boundaries. The event proved to be a critical opportunity for stakeholders like MDFC to strengthen relationships, exchange valuable insights, and reaffirm their commitment to improving FP and SRH program outcomes across the region.

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